Miodrag Mirčetić

Founding Partner, iPay
In IT business since 1989. Started his career, as a software developer and developed to the shareholder of one of the leading IT companies in Europe and Asseco SEE Group Management Board Member. As core team member of PEXIM Solutions Company a start-up IT Company he participated and even leaded development and implementation of new generation of software applications for banking. Innovative market approach was created. Within just few years, under his management PEXIM became a dominant player in the field of high quality solutions and IT infrastructure deployment for financial sector industries on the Serbian local market. Since 2002, when appointed CEO of PEXIM Group, he was managing companies in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Albania. After Asseco SEE Group was established and Pexim, Antegra and Cardinfo companies merged, Miodrag became Asseco SEE Belgrade Director and Member of Management Board of Asseco South Eastern Europe.
In 2007 Established own investment company – I4 Invention, investing in new business projects, from different industries, supporting small IT start-up companies.
Since 2015 his investment company I4-Invention has been developing the first electronic money institution in Serbia – iPay. He organized investors and company, aiming to bring best international practice in e-money, e-wallet, e-payments.