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Finticipate keeps on bringing best of the best

We present you a modern fairytale about fintech unicorns!

Imagine hearing a story behind a powerful fintech unicorn, which can be seen, although very rare, in countries with a narrow fintech perspective

Now imagine a perfect speaker about this blockbuster and ever interesting theme – it would be non-other than Jan Schoch, a fintech enthusiast and a trailblazer in this field

What’s happening with fintech unicorns, are they really that rare in this region – we couldn’t help but wonder how can small countries fintech ecosystems become fintech unicorns?

Founder and ex CEO of Leonteq, first swiss unicorn, will be the one to reveal us this long-kept secret, how small countries within the fintech ecosystem, like Serbia, can foster fintech unicorns

While unicorns may not roam Serbia’s fintech landscape yet, Jan’s presentation on fintech strategy for Serbia at the Forum will shed light on the path to uncovering these mythical creatures in fintech landscape

Jan Schoch will bring a star glory to the Finticipate scene so don’t miss out on catching this unicorn in May!
